Dan Sullivan, discusses advantages of iPad

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Small business coach, Dan Sullivan, says how the iPad can help an entrepreneur’s business. The Applei iPad sales are about 10 times that of the 2nd runner up and the stats all back this up. So it’s a very good time now to begin developing content for the iPad instead of other platforms.  


Julian Assange: iPhone, Blackberry and Gmail users are 'screwed'

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WikilLeaks founder Julian Assange tells smartphone and Gmail users ‘you’re all screwed’ by intelligence contractors who sell mass surveillance devices for such technologies in the post 9/11 world. He also announced that his whistle-blowing organisation was embarking on a new ‘source protection platform’  


New look Gmail

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Gmail is the most powerful email application on the planet. It revolutionised how people use web-based email. For many years email users relied on either Microsoft Outlook or some software application to download emails daily, send and receive, etc. Hotmail became a hot property when Microsoft purchased it in the 1990s. However, spammers soon began …


Project Natal: Meet Milo

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This is computer gaming demo that woke me up! I cannot even begin to describe what this means because it’s significance is very serious for our emotional well-being. What was your reaction to your first pet? What was your reaction to your first born child? How will you react when your digital buddy or Tamagotchi …


Animated Alan Watts

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Alan Watts was a prolific author of books on comparative religion. He was a genius at contrasting Christianity, Judaism with Zen Buddhism, Hinduism and Taoism. In many ways has what Osho called Zorba the Buddah because he had his feet firmly in the West and the East. After growing up in England he settled in …