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Please help me keep this page updated by sending me your latest challenges with MXit to ramon at netucation.co.za
Download the Parent’s Guide to MXit today. You can sign-up for the MXit list below and I will send you the Parent’s Guide to your inbox and also notify you of my talks and seminars that now include Facebook, social networking, cyber bullying and all the latest developments on helping you learn how to safely use the Internet and cellphones.
In the meantime download and listen to my excellent interview with Jeremy Maggs on SAFM from September 2007.
Want to run MXit on your PC? Watch this video clip below:
Attention – Concerned Parent or Teacher
In October 2006, a sexual predator lured a schoolgirl using a cell phone-based messaging service. The suspect, a 33-year-old man abducted and held the 16-year-old girl captive for five days, after he developed a cyber relationship with her through MXit, the popular mobile chat service used by over 2.3 million people, mostly teenagers and 20-somethings in South Africa.
This is but one example of an actual event that took place as a result of the current online and mobile technology that exists. More and more children are becoming the victims of mastermind criminals that study, observe, stalk and finally kidnap children. Children’s innocence is at stake, and it is up to you the parent, teachers and guardians to safeguard children from these evildoers.
The best way to protect your children is empowering yourselves with the knowledge and understanding of the types of technology that children have access to. With some understanding of this technology, you learn how to set boundaries for children that will effectively protect them from cyber criminals.
Ramon Thomas, South Africa’s leading online behaviour expert gives talks across South Africa, from Cape Town to Empageni, Port Elizabeth to Pretoria. This is an exclusive opportunity for parents, teachers and community leaders to gain a better understanding of these incredible new technologies.
Topics covered:
- Criminal cases involving children
- Why MXit/Facebook is popular among children/teenagers
- Addiction/Abuse/Cyber-Bullying
- Online predators/Chat rooms
- Setting Boundaries
- Online etiquette (Netiquette)
- Online Relationships
- Risks of Facebook (Social Networking websites)
The talk lasts approximately 45 minutes with 15 minutes for Questions & Answers. If a projector is available, a presentation will be used to guide the audience through the talk. The fee is R2,000 excluding travel and accommodations that may be necessary if the venue is outside the major metropolitan areas. I have spoken in very small towns outside major metropolitan areas so do not hesitate to contact me.
Take action today, call 074 124 1696 to book Ramon Thomas for a talk/presentation at your organisation.
This investment could change the quality of your life and give you peace of mind when your child is having genuine fun, chatting with friends on the Internet or their cell phones.
Thank you so much for a most enlightening talk. Parents, staff and learners were impressed by the professional way the topic was handled. Parents were grateful for the presentation of facts which then enabled them to come to a fair decision regarding their childrens habits.
mxit is just controvertial it just depends on how everybody uses it
You guys need to hurry up with the 2nd parents’guide to mxit please. Our kids have projects to do and need it now!!!!!!!
i love mxit
i do fully understand that is it a cheaper way of communication but i would like to know as this causes problems in marriages i know there is a way we can bypass this please let me know how can i get rid of mxit from my husband’s phone permanently without knowing his password can one of you please assist as this is serious and i need to know for sure taht he cannot access mxit from anywhere.
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