Helen Hai: Is “Made in Africa” possible?

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When thinking about Africa, words like be “War”, “Disease”, “Corruption”, and “Safari” may come to mind. But this is not truly Africa and Helen Hai asks the question: Is “Made in Africa” possible? Helen Hai is a United Nations Industrial Development Organization Goodwill Ambassador for industrialization in Africa, brings out the often overlooked side of …


Short Film Laisuotuo 莱索托

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A new short film Laisuotuo was released by filmmaker Carl Houston Macmillan. He says, “This is a film about two immigrants, a Chinese shop owner in Lesotho and an African doctor in China. This 20 min film is about how stereotyping and racial profiling reduces our empathy. Cultural understanding is ever so important in our …


2009 Year End Message from ISOC President & CEO

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Thanks for an Extraordinary Year of Achievements from Lynn St.Amour, President and CEO of ISOC. Dear Members, Friends, and Colleagues, The end of 2009 is here – and what a year it has been. The Internet Society continued to prosper in 2009, the results of our work reaching wider and deeper than ever before. So …


Unlocking the Potential of Mobile Technology for Social Impact

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The Southern African NGO Network (SANGONeT) and MobileActive.org will host the MobileActive08 Summit from 13-15 October 2008 at the Wanderers Club in Johannesburg. The theme of the event is “Unlocking the Potential of Mobile Technology for Social Impact”. With more than 350 confirmed participants from over 40 countries, this will be the largest international event …


TEDGlobal 2007: Session 11: James Shikwati

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This is the 2nd talk on the second last session of TEDGlobal 2007. We need to commercialising enterprises or entrepreneurship in Africa. Chris Anderson, TED curator, described him as one-man think tank, a libertarian economist. Address famine as a business opportunity. Lost $200 million due to famine in Kenya. Estimated cost 300 to 500 million …