Three books recommended by John Taylor Gatto

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Here are three books recommended by John Taylor Gatto. You can skip to 1:41:14 to hear his quick summary of the three books after a question about Ayn Rand and Liberterians. This is taken from a CSPAN lecture, “Examples of Educated People.” “Do I draw philisophic strength from writing? Absolutely! That’s one of the things …


Michael Crichton on Unpopular Truths

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Author Michael Crichton discusses his reluctance to accept some of today’s pop science conclusions I share some of his unpopular truths. In high school, my best friend Bradley Minnaar, introduced me to his books: Andromeda Strain and Sphere. Later we read Jurassic Park before the movie was released. Here’s a Summary of the Unpopular Truths: Environmentalism is a …


Benjamin Hoff on leaving authorship

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I stumbled across an essay by Benjamin Hoff about leaving authorship here today. Its not a surprise because I’m well aware of the rise of the multinational corporations. And the rise of globalisation is directly linked to the rise of corporations like this. This in turn makes it difficult for the small guy to compete. …