5 signs that you're addicted to technology

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Let’s not deny it: technology is great. However, there comes a point where enough is enough and you simply need to draw the line. The following are a few signs that it might be that time. 1. On more than one occasion you’ve been knocked off your feet by some idiot who couldn’t be bothered …


5 Reasons Why SMS Is Here To Stay

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SMS remains the most popular two-way communications platform on the planet. In most cases, it’s inexpensive, casual, and discreet for users. It also represents one of the more profitable features offered by mobile network operators. And while SMS does face an increasingly fractured market, largely from the growth of messaging apps, it’s not going anywhere …


The Curse of BBM

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BBM users claims it revolutionised the way they communicate and stay in touch constantly. MXit users have known this for a few years longer. However, BlackBerry started out focusing on business users, corporate customers before becoming a quasi-status symbol for with numerous celebrities seen in public with their BlackBerry phones. This has created a false …


BBM vs. WhatsApp: A Mobile IM Comparison

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High cost of cellular network services such as SMS, voice calls and multimedia messaging has led a significant number of people to seek out other alternatives to be able to communicate with one another in any parts of the globe. Luckily, the internet showed answers to this matter. Chatrooms social networking sites and instant messaging …


Using MXit on Your BlackBerry

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Even though BlackBerry has it own Instant Messaging software, 17 million MXit users make it very appealing to use the MXit application on your BlackBerry with unlimited Internet. So, you’ve got a Blackberry and you want to MXit with your friends. Now you can – just download MXit and ‘Join the MXit Evolution’ 1. To …