MTN to ditch BIS

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Surely after this becomes the norm there is no good reason to own a BlackBerry device in South Africa. Since BlackBerry 10 will not support BIS or unlimited Internet for a fixed monthly cost, now is the time to look for alternatives. We recommend moving to 8ta who offers the best pre-paid data bundles. Here’s …


SMS' Can Relieve Stressed, Lonely People

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BERKELEY — Text messaging often gets a bad rap for contributing to illiteracy and high-risk behaviour such as reckless driving. But a social welfare professor at the University of California, Berkeley, has found an upside to texting, especially for people who feel stressed out, isolated and alone. Text messages in cognitive behaviour therapy can make people feel less isolated Adrian …


Julian Assange: iPhone, Blackberry and Gmail users are 'screwed'

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WikilLeaks founder Julian Assange tells smartphone and Gmail users ‘you’re all screwed’ by intelligence contractors who sell mass surveillance devices for such technologies in the post 9/11 world. He also announced that his whistle-blowing organisation was embarking on a new ‘source protection platform’  


The Curse of BBM

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BBM users claims it revolutionised the way they communicate and stay in touch constantly. MXit users have known this for a few years longer. However, BlackBerry started out focusing on business users, corporate customers before becoming a quasi-status symbol for with numerous celebrities seen in public with their BlackBerry phones. This has created a false …


BBM vs. WhatsApp: A Mobile IM Comparison

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High cost of cellular network services such as SMS, voice calls and multimedia messaging has led a significant number of people to seek out other alternatives to be able to communicate with one another in any parts of the globe. Luckily, the internet showed answers to this matter. Chatrooms social networking sites and instant messaging …