Broadband: The premise of a social web

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As you may have written down in you diary that a major event to attend in November was the 2006 MyADSL Broadband Conference held at Vodaworld, Midrand, South Africa. That was one of the many ICT related forum focusing directly on widening digital access to communities and the information poor. In this article i am …


iWeek 2006 Summary: Lets Start The Internet Revolution

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[photopress:Phuti_netucation_1.jpg,thumb,alignright] This whole week I have been blogging the conference, indeed gaining enormous experience as a researcher and Internet Marketer. Speakers from Germany, Namibia , Belgium, Singapore, Chana, South Africa and other parts of the world delivered ground breaking researched presentations.Internet in South Africa is growing at a slow pace but progress have been made …


Mixing with cast of Scandal and meeting beautiful women

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Tonight I went to the recording of a special episode of eTV soap, SCANDAL with my friend Sieraaj Ahmed, a journalist at You magazine. I met the gorgeous Genevieve Howard, formally a Goodhope FM DJ and several other beautiful women. What’s funny about her is that she looks pretty plain most of the time in …