An Open Letter to Jacques Cilliers – Goodbye FNB

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ATTENTION: Jacques Cilliers CEO, First National Bank Bank City Johannesburg Dear Mr Cilliers After 11 years I decided to close all my bank accounts with First National Bank. The primary reason is the horrendous experience of passing the buck and customer service I’ve experienced. This was personal on so many levels. And yet I’m haunted …


FNB Smart Device and Banking Satisfaction

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Recently I made the last payment on my FNB Smart Device, an Apple iPad 2 purchased in 2011. It feels much longer because Apple released several iPad models since that time like the iPad Air and iPad Mini. During the time I really wanted a tablet because I  see myself as an early adopter. Another …


Happy birthday dearest Mother

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Today is my mother, Illona Murray’s 57th birthday. I’m not sure exactly what to say to my mother when I wish her today. She is living in Uitenhage and I live in Johannesburg. During February I spent 3 weeks visiting her and it was essentially my December holiday. Like all mothers and son’s we have …