Joburg Internet Cafe workshop postponed

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Due to unforeseen circumstances I’ve been forced to move the date of the next Internet Cafe workshop schedules for this Saturday. The primary reason for this is that I’ve been on a short break in Uitenhage and on Sunday missed my flight back to Johannesburg. My car has been parked at OR Tambo airport for …


Internet cafe business 2010 workshops schedule

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This announcement is two years overdue. So I apologise to my loyal readers who have persisted in asking me about past Internet Cafe workshops. This is what you have been waiting for! NETucation is South Africa’s leading experts on the Internet Cafe industry, and we are the only organisation to conduct training on how to …


Wanna start your own Internet Cafe in 2008?

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After many, many requests the next date for the 2008 Internet Cafe workshop has been set. Please note I only do ONE workshop every 6 months like this. The next one will be in Cape Town in November. ** All workshops have been postponed till 2009 ** Now I am proud to announce I have …


Summary of the first Internet Cafe workshop

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Thank you very much for attending our first workshop on Saturday, 24th March. This e-mail is a summary of what was discussed and some suggestions on the next steps for you to consider. If you have your deposit and a venue contact Terry to place your order on (011) 8346755 contact Ramon Thomas. The aim …


First Internet Cafe SME workshop and industry portal launched

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A black empowered joint venture is hosting the first workshop for people who wish to start an Internet Cafe as a small business this weekend. And a new industry portal is being launched at the same time. 22 March 2007 (Johannesburg): The Internet Cafe industry is set for a boom between now and 2010. …