TEDxPortElizabeth launches in Nelson Mandela Bay

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[Port Elizabeth, Monday, 27 June 2016] – Sharing a world of dreams with the global TED and TEDx community, TEDxPortElizabeth will launch their first conference this year with the theme Through the Looking Glass in partnership with the new AFDA Film School in Port Elizabeth. TEDxPortElizabeth continues on from TEDxNMMU (2012) and TEDxSummerstrand (2013), both …


Response to Denton Goodford and Levona Fredericks

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There is still a bitter taste in the mouths of people who think I am abusing the name of Uitenhage High School on the Internet. Those are the same people who did not attend the annual Speech & Awards ceremony in October this year. I was there! So here’s my response to Denton and Levona, …


Open Letter to Uitenhage High School

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I have been informed of a number of comments that has been made on a certain Facebook profile regarding a donation and trophy that I’ve made to Uitenhage High School, also referred to as Uitenhage Senior Secondary School in honour of my late friend and classmate Eugene Exford RIP 1999. Him and his wife died …