Awareness and Education needed to grow cellphone banking

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People who are regular users of the Internet often assume others understand why it is significant. So it goes for people who are heavy users of cellphones, they often assume everyone else should by default understand how easy it is, how cheap it is, and how convenient it is to use. Internet banking has been …


Learning and Support using MXit

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[This blog entry has been edited and updated on 9 Sep 2007] Cape Town bloggers Rafiq Phillips uses MXit offering customer support for his project. This idea can save small businesses money if they consider the implications – offering a support contact on MXit which can be accessible from any cellphone anywhere in South …


MXit blasts through 3 million users

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** MXit has already reached 6 million by beginning 2008. Download the Parents Guide to MXit from this link. ** Its now official MXit has broken through 3 million users. This is really a phenomenal success for a South African born and bred company. The purchase by Naspers of 30% in MXit Lifestyle (Pty) Ltd, …


Apple iPhone finally unveiled

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Steve Jobs has done it again. Stealing the thunder from Microsoft’s Bill Gates who was the keynote speaker at the CES Conference in Las Vegas. As it happens my mentor, Arthur Goldstuck, is currently at CES but likely on his way back. Anyway you can read here about how Apple does it. To get a …


Parents Guide to MXit available today

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The “Parents Guide to MXit” is now available from today. This concise guide is made available at no cost to all concerned parents or educators, who may have sleepless nights about children using MXit, the popular chat application that enables communication on cell phones at the fraction of SMS costs. Ramon Thomas, online behaviour expert …