Mobile phone radiation damages memory: study

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Exposure to mobile phone radiation worsens the short-term memory of rats, according to a new Swedish study. A doctoral dissertation carried out at Lund University also found that groups of genes involved with behaviour and memory undergo changes due to repeated doses of radiation from mobile phones, the Sydsvenskan newspaper reports. Doctoral candidate Henrietta Nittby …


SMS Dictionary – show kids that you seek first to understand

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Elzaan Rohde from Sentient Communication passed this tip onto me from a Google Alert: I am a very big fan of cell phone SMS (aka text) messages because of my voicemail. I can send SMS with one hand, driving and not even looking at my screen, switching between predictive text and normal typing. Heavy users …


MXit responds to offensive lists of shame

In May 2007 the South African blogosphere was shook to its core with the abusive allegations from the SA Male Prostitute Blogger. Patricia de Lille, leader of the Independent Democrats party, took this personal and raged a campaign against blogging and MXit to be controlled. Now the lists of shame that has been circulating on MXit is likely to cause a similar outcry from authorities, parents and the community at large.


The Mobile Menace – Cellphone Matters

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Please pick-up a copy of the current issue of Drum magazine, 24 July 2008, and read the two pages 44 and 45 for the article “The Mobile Menace“, which has the following 7 tips I share with parents. 1. Don’t buy cellphones for your child below 13 years old. Electronic wireless devices like cellphones emit …


The beginning of MXit spam and chain letters

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I have been getting more and more of these types of messages sent by my friends on MXit. Maybe they do not realise its spam or chain letters. The same types of chain letters that are sent around the global a gazillion times a day by innocent, unsuspecting people who believe they are doing a …