TEDGlobal 2007: Session 1: Carol Pineau

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Carol Pineau was the 3rd speaker for the first session of TEDGlobal. She is best known for her documentary Africa Open For Business. She told some of the stories from her inspiring documentary. The first was the story of Ruff ‘n Tumble a very successful clothing designer from Nigeria. Another one was the great success …


TEDGlobal 2007: Session 1: Andrew Dosunmu

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Continuing on the theme of the Africa you don’t know was Andrew Dosunmu, most famous in South Africa as being the director of the hit television show Yizo Yizo. While growing up in Lagos, Nigeria, he experienced very different images of Africa compared to when he moved to London. Andrew has directed several music videos …


How to identify good and bad role models for men

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There is a debate that crops up every now and then, trying to explain the behaviour of human beings. It’s called the nature vs nurture debate and speaks about how our overall behaviour patterns is determined by our genes (nature) or how we are raised by our parents (nurture). It’s clear that both play a …


Mel Gibson Breaks Hollywood's 10 Commandments

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Mel Gibson has always been an iconic actor ever since he emerged from Australia’s deserts with the Mad Max trilogy of movies. He became a bonafide action star with the Lethal Weapon series and Braveheart. I’m a big movie fan and always keep track of how movies are created, marketed and how they perform. With …


Valentine’s Day 2006 Movie Recommendations

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One of the best things to do is get together with your girlfriend or boyfriend and watch a movie. DVDs are just so commonplace and as you know you can get those pirate copies even while movies are in cinemas. I personally prefer watching them at the cinema the first time around. As Valentine’s Day …