Rich spend more time online

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Being rich not only gets you the best cars, houses, luxuries, clothes, health care, insurance, entertainment, you also get more out of using the Internet. To put it bluntly when you are wealthier you tend to be more educated and therefore have a more specific reason for using the Internet. And some new research by …


cheaper Broadband for Academics

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Treveor Manuel has announced a new initiative to offer cheaper broadband to Academics to facilitate and foster research. This is really something which government has been slow to address. Broadband should be available at discounted rates to students and especially for postgraduagte students. When they are not on campus they have to access the Internet …


Desperately seeking love online

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BRYANSTON – Only 12% of South Africans have used the Internet to find love. This is compared to 29% of the French and 21% of Filipinos interviewed in a global survey about dating perceptions, use of the Internet to find a romantic partner and the level of success that they have had. Synovate surveyed 4 …


World's largest study on Online Gambling revealed

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Online gambling seems to be a hot topic in South Africa. Today I’m doing an interview with SAFM, a national talk radio station on this topic of online gambling and online addiction. And so not surprisingly in preparation for the interview I found this excellent write-up on the most comprehensive study on online gambling to …


Six million Britons sign up for singles bars in cyberspace

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Up to three-quarters of single people could soon be finding new partners online – and many could form long-lasting relationships By Steve Bloomfield Online dating, once seen as a last resort for the desperate, has become mainstream, with new research suggesting as many as six million Britons are signed up to internet agencies. To underline …