October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month

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Protect Before You Connect! Simple precautions to avoid an online personal privacy disaster. The Internet is an amazing, fantastic, vibrant place. But there are also evil people out there who steal identities, hack credit card accounts, track personal information, violate privacy, insert malicious programs that can exploit your company or home network, destroy your hard …


SMS' Can Relieve Stressed, Lonely People

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BERKELEY — Text messaging often gets a bad rap for contributing to illiteracy and high-risk behaviour such as reckless driving. But a social welfare professor at the University of California, Berkeley, has found an upside to texting, especially for people who feel stressed out, isolated and alone. Text messages in cognitive behaviour therapy can make people feel less isolated Adrian …


A Prayer for Peace Using Social Networking

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Recently I received a very interesting press release about a new social networking website to promote peace. So I emailed the founder Hasitha Amarasena to request an email interview and give this a better context in a world flooded with Facebook. 1. What is your motivation to start this project? In the knowing that having …


Q&A about the Future of Social Networking

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Using Microsoft’s recent acquisition of a $240 million stake in Facebook as the point of departure: 1. What does Microsoft’s stake in Facebook practically translate into for the company? And for the site’s users? Facebook now has a partner who can fund further expansion and growth as the need arises. Microsoft gains a very strong …


Download my LinkedIn Lessons ebook

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This week I’m expanding my LinkedIn connections. This has become a weekly ritual to expand my network and reach. You’re welcome to connect with Ramon Thomas on  LinkedIn, the business social network. Anyway, here’s the problem: Business social networking is something I believe is truly valuable. So download my LinkedIn Lessons ebook. You’re welcome to …