Lessons from Steve Jobs on making a excellent pitch in your Presentation

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Today I learnt via the TED Blog about a great column on Steve Jobs’ presentations skills. The basics of it include the following factors: Building tension Stick to one theme per slide Add pizazz to your delivery Practise Be honest and show enthusiasm Go directly to the Business Week column here. And you can watch …


Apple iPhone finally unveiled

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Steve Jobs has done it again. Stealing the thunder from Microsoft’s Bill Gates who was the keynote speaker at the CES Conference in Las Vegas. As it happens my mentor, Arthur Goldstuck, is currently at CES but likely on his way back. Anyway you can read here about how Apple does it. To get a …


Steve Jobs speech: Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish

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Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish is the commencement address by Steve Jobs at Harvard University in June 2005. It’s one of the most inspirational speeches I’ve every come across and I believe it will go down in history along side Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream.” For those who you who want to get a …