Does Money Buy Happiness?

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Does money buy happiness or just a big mansion? This funny video by blogger Victor Pride reminded me to always think differently from what Bill Cooper called “the sheeple!” And so after watching this video, think about it for a while, and ask your friends to get their reaction. You will notice the clear bias …


5 Reasons for Gratitude before Christmas 2014

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Watching a video by business coach Shannon Waller, I want to express my sincerest gratitude before Christmas 2014. Gratitude is an inoculation against guilt or anxiety in your life. When you are grateful and you appreciate the people and things you have, you don’t feel bad about what you don’t have in you life. These …


World Entrepreneur Day launch in South Africa

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[China-South Africa, 12 August 2014] – Ramon J. Thomas in association with Alliance of International Business Associations (AIBA) invites everyone to join the launch of World Entrepreneur’s Day in South Africa on 21 August 2014. “ WED creates awareness for entrepreneurship and innovation as viable careers.” declares Thomas, a South African in China, and the …


Tom Leykis interview about Internet radio

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Tom Leykis is an American talk radio host. His primary audience has always been men and I started listening to his show in 2008. There is more to this broadcasting genius than meets the eye. Comparing him to Howard Stern is how I often describe him to South Africans who’ve never heard of him. His …


Who is the Millionaire Next Door?

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Chris Rock once explained the difference between being rich and being wealthy very succinctly. He said Shaquille O’Neil is rich but the guy who signs his cheque is wealthy. When you are rich you can loose all the money when you’re a big spender, live beyond your means or try to keep up with the …