Cyber-policing vs IT Security Awareness

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In December the Postbank lost R42 million to hackers. Afterwards experts called for a new cyber policing strategy. After 20 years on the Internet I did not know we had a cyber policing strategy in place. During 1997-2003 I worked for major Internet Service Providers and three banks running their IT Security. If South Africa has …


IKM Conference 2008 – Shaping the Future

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Every year business leaders, industry and faculty experts come to the IKM Conference to share their knowledge, learn and network. True to the theme of this year’s conference, “Shaping the Future”, presenters will offer cutting-edge knowledge based on relevant, innovative and rigorous research. Come and listen to reflections, estimations and predictions on the coming transformation …


World Wide Web Applications 2007 Conference

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Today is the first day of the annual World Wide Web applications conference hosted this year by the University of Johannesburg, where I’m currently registered for a Masters in Information Science in the Department of Information and Knowledge Management. The opening address was by Prof Derek vd Merwe, Pro Vice-Chancellor.  


The Impact of Social Networking on the Value of Information

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Last week I was invited to present a lecture at the University of Johannesburg by the Department of Information & Knowledge Management where I am an alumni as well as currently registered for my Masters degree in Information Science. Contact Andrea Ferreira if you would to be added to their list for similar seminars held …


Day 1 – Futurex Conference 2007 – Jaco Viljoen on What makes Business Analysts tick?

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Jaco Viljoen from Software Futures gave one of the most unusual presentations I’ve ever seen in the last 10 years. He spoke about what makes and business analyst tick? He proceeded to explore how our brain functions and also delve very deeply into personality and psychometrics. When you try to understand what makes a car …