Yusuf Moses: Persistance To A Motivated Life

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This is the story of my friend Yusuf Moses, one of the most motivated people I’ve ever met. After years of ups and downs, he is now a respected ABET teacher, happily married father of two daughters. When we first met he worked in a factory building components for Volkswagen South Africa: Uitenhage, in the …


Social Media Success Stories Needed for next PE 27Dinner

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Apologies for the inconvenience with the 27Dinner being postponed from September to October. Everything has been confirmed and we’re going ahead full steam with regular 27Dinner events in Nelson Mandela Bay. We should do at least 4 during 2010, one every 3 months. This month we’re hosting a very special 27Dinner event in Port Elizabeth. …


First Open Day Meet-n-Greet

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I make models Miss South Africa, businessmen get onto CNBC Africa, unpublished authors gets published or how to make one hell of a profit and still get to heaven. My most recent experience includes a strong focus on life coaching models, businessmen, heads of business schools, PR companies, Marketing Directors and even sales training for …