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Toast to Toastmasters

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Toastmasters International south africaTonight I won two awards at my local Toastmasters meeting. Toastmasters International is a non-profit organisation that helps individuals improve their public speakings. My club is has meetings twice a month at Old Ed’s (next to the Virgin Active) in Houghton, Johannesburg. And tonight I did my 3rd speech. The basic Communications & Leadership program has 10 speeches that teach you the fundamentals of public speaking. I was hoping by now to be on my 5th speech but frequent travels had forced me to postpone some of my speeches.

Anyway I’m going to kill those remaining ones as quickly as possible to move onto advanced topics. Public speaking is considered by many as one of the greatest fears people have. And if you can overcome public speaking you will conquer you inner fear and as Dr Paul Dobransky says that when you do courage you build confidence. In fact he says its scientifically measurable, so if for every 100 points of courage, you actually gain 100 points of confidence which you can use in other areas of your life e.g. approaching women.


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.