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Finally the Telecoms Action Group launches

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I’m reposting this message from the Tectonic, open source, newsletter and website. I’ve always believed the way to get a response is to model our campaign on the Treatment Action Campaign, the well known AIDS lobby group.Richard Frank got people talking this week with his proposal to launch an advert campaign to demand better and cheaper telecommunications options in South Africa. The call quickly got picked up by readers and other media and we spent the rest of the week flooded by emails from people pledging support. So we set up a mailing list to keep everyone informed as the campaign develops.

We also set up a page on Tectonic for the “Telecoms Action Group” campaign(what we’re calling it for now). On this page we will keep readers up to date with new links and updates as the project evolves. And if you have ideas on how to make this campaign more effective then join the first forum.


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.