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Digital Citizens Indaba on Blogging

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I’ve been in Port Elizabeth for the last few days and supposedly on holiday. Yesterday I did a quick interview about Mxit on BayFM and tomorrow I’m going back to do a short sales working with their sales staff. The big news is that on Thursday and Friday this week I will be participating in the first ever Blogging Conference in Africa: the Digital Citizens Indaba at Rhodes University in Grahamstown. My session is on Friday and I will be speaking on Moneytizing blogs along with Alec Hogg (Moneyweb) and Emeka Okafor (a Blogger & Journalist). And later the same day will be conducting a workshop on the same topic plus marketing. Check out the main website for this conference here.


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.