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Digital Migration: 4 % broadband connectivity!

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This week a new BMI-TechKnowledge report states that 5% broadband connectivity was just a dream. The report suggest that only 4% seem to be feasible of a population of 50-million people in 2010.Where did this digital migration emerged? In October 2005 Deputy Minister of Communications Roy Padayachie held bilateral talks during the International ITU Telecoms Americas 2005 Regional Conference attended by about 1000 delegates from various Latin American countries and developing countries, such as India, Mexico and China remained delegates highlighted on a higher level digital migration dream-towards 5 % broadband Internet connectivity by 2010. This dream originated on concept of Universal Access. But like the BMI-T report states, such a dream can only become a reality if there could be more support for wireless technologies for rural and under-serviced areas, plus sound regulatory environment to encourage ICT innovations. The possibility is still out there for greater access particularly for the information poor.

Broadband subscribers by region, 2004:

* Asia-Pacific ? 41,6 percent
* Europe ? 27,8 percent
* Latin America and Caribbean ? 2,4 percent
* North America ? 27,9 percent
* Africa ? 0,1 percent
* Arab States ? 0,2 percent

(Source: ITU world telecommunication indicators database)

The theme of October 2005 International ITU Telecoms Americas 2005 was : �Moving to a Latin Beat�, the conference topics included:

* Broadband Connectivity for all
* Who should run the Internet?
* Next-Generation Regulation
* Wireless goes Broadband
* Cyber Security
* Spectrum Management
* Open Source Software
* Digital Inclusion
* 2015: Transition to the Information Society.

Please read speech delivered by Dr Ivy Matsepe-Casaburri, Minister of Communications, at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Plenipotentiary Conference, Sungate Port Royal Hotel in Antalya, Turkey; 9 November 2006