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Social networking is a way of interacting with people whereby you actively establish relationships with people you meet. You never know what you could do for them or what they could do for you. So you exchange business cards or contact details. One of the first things I do when I’ve met someone is finding out what they do and where they are going in their career or life. Then I think about who else I know that is on a similar journey and how they could assist this person I’ve just met.
So yesterday I attended a function at Grace Bible Church is Soweto hosted by the Business Women’s Association. The occasion was the first state visit by the new Governor General of Canada, Her Excellency, the Right Honorable Michaëlle Jean. My friend Israel Noko, a Canadian Trade Commissioner had invited me to attend this special event. Well at the table where I sat there were of course a number of women. One friendly lady started introducing herself to everyone else, and I followed suit. What happened was simple. As I listened to people’s stories about what they do, why they were at this event, I started to think of how I could assist them to do three things:
- reduce or remove dangers
- grasp their opportunities
- reinforce their strengths
And the outcome was spectacular at least one lady said out load to the rest that my introducing her to one of the other guests, Ory Okolloh, another famous blogger at the Kenyan Pundit blog, who happens to be working for Enablis, the Canadian Entrepreneurial Network. And I introduced people to each other I ensure that they understand what the one needs and what the other is able to provide. And by doing this on a continuous bases you will also gain because people will trust you a whole lot quicker. And they will look for ways to return the favour.