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Day 1 – Futurex Conference 2007 – Cavin Griffiths on Business Intelligence Analysis

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Cavin Griffiths, Executive: Business Intelligence is a speaker from Telkom, one of the sponsors of the Futurex Conference. He spoke at a very high level about business intelligence the key to business success. When you realise how complex organisations have become and especially ones the size of Telkom, you understand there is no solution out of the box for business intelligence. And it is more about a culture and the people using it buying into the culture that makes it a success than anything else. Success in business intelligence depends on the right people with top management buy in. A CIO must understand he or she is running a business and is part of business team to generate sales and service customers – not to run an IT shop.

How is it done in Telkom? You can view the presentation below for more details. And you have to ask yourself truth tests. The test that measures you design framework. In Telkom the roll out of business intelligence took about 8 years to reach maturity. A big percentage of the resources have been developed internally especially in terms of report writing.

Here’s my video podcast interview with Cavin Griffiths:

And here’s Cavin’s presentation on Business Intelligence Analysis:

For more on business intelligence see this Wikipedia entry.


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.