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Social Media pilot at AAA School of Advertising

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This week I was in Cape Town to give two talks at two private schools on MXit. Even more exciting news was how well received my Social Media seminar went down at the AAA School of Advertising.

Social media in my opinion is both the combination of blogging, podcasting, vlogging, RSS technology and how it is used to generate content. Social networking is part of social media. Social bookmarking is part of social media. And much, much more. In the end it is a shift in how media is created and consumed.

Why did I create this social media seminar (2 hours) – because in 2006 I attended a meeting of Advertising Media Association of South Africa (AMASA) at the JSE in Sandton, and it seemed every time new media was mentioned the old guard would go into a panic. Now it does not have to be like this. If you become aware of the big picture and then focus on understanding how social media can compliment your traditional media planning activities you can still play a role as an advertising agency advising your clients on creative ways to get their marketing message out there. What’s really different when it comes to Internet technologies is that they can be much more accurately measured than broadcasting or print.

If you are in a marketing or advertising agency this seminar will bring you up to speed in a few short hours. You can download the presentation from here. If you are interested in my seminars please view my training page here.


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.