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When I first began hearing of Deepak Chopra, I did not think to much of him. My best friend Nathaniel recommended The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams a long time ago but I’ve yet to read it. So recently I picked up this book on sale from Exclusive Books, a big book store chain in South Africa, like Borders or Barnes & Noble in the USA. Anyway this book has made a tremendous impact on how I view healthy living. Firstly I now see how I can live a healthier life and enjoy more of life. This sounds stupid and simple but I always imagined living healthy to be some kind of effort. And in fact it should be or could be effortless – it all starts with your mind and how you think, and how you feel about yourself. Much of what Deepak Chopra says resonates so much with what is the The Secret (Extended Edition) I am very surprised they did not interview him.
The way this book is written makes it a really quick and easy read. The chapters are short and the whole book is divided into four sections: Health and Disease, Laying the Foundation, Strategies for Creating Health and Toward a Higher Reality: Mediation and Metamorphosis.
Now one of my own internal guides is when I see references to other people I already respect. For example Deepak Chopra quotes Napoleon Hill, my all time favourite motivational author, several times in the later half the book, and it fits. He also references his friend Dr Wayne Dyer, which I think is the leading light in the West when it comes to manifesting your reality. All this can be bit much to believe for someone who is not familiar with the law of attraction, and changing your physiology by changing your thoughts but give this one a try. It’s short, direct, simple to understand and yet it encompasses a vast body of knowledge. And I really enjoyed the fact that he ended off focussing on the new physics as he calls it that was started with Einstein. There is a link between quantum physics and the old paradigms of the East. And you don’t even have to read The Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra to see it. As they see in these circles believing is seeing not the other way around.
If you live in South Africa purchase Creating Health: How to Attain Perfect Health and Feel Ever Youthful by Deepak Chopra from Kalahari.net