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Joke of the Day: Mbeki, Zuma, Fraser-Moleketi and Dlamini-Zuma

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Mbeki, Jacob Zuma, Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi and Manto Tsabalala Msimang were flying together in the President’s jet. Thabo Mbeki suddenly said: “You know what. I can throw a R500 right now out of this window and make someone happy.”

Jacob Zuma said: “I can throw five R 100 notes out of the window and I will make 5 people unbelievably happy.”

Geraldine said: “I will give government employees 7.25% salary increase and make millions happy”.

Manto said : “I will can throw ten R 50 notes out of the window and make 10 people very, very happy.”

The one pilot looks at the other and says:
“Listen to those 4 showoffs at the back… I can throw all 4 of them out of the window right now and I will make the whole country very happy!”


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.