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African Bloggers monthly SkypeCAST for August 2007

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This month we discussed the importance of Social networking profiles and how to link it with your blog. For the last few months since TEDGlobal myself and Henry Addo, a blogger from Ghana, has been having regular discussion via Skype on Blogging. Currently Skype allows maximum of 9 people on a Conference Call and in the future we will move to the SkypeCAST platform to reach more people. This month Andriankoto Ratoza also joined us for the monthly session.

This month we discussed the following:

  1. We started off discussing LinkedIn as the premier business to business social networking tool. When you follow all the instructions in this ebook on LinkedIn you start to derive real tangible benefits. For your blog you can also add a link from your LinkedIn profile to your website and your blog. This starts to drive traffic from a premium source back to your blog.
  2. How to import your Blog’s RSS feed into your Facebook profile. The benefit and importance of this is that you can reach a new audience who may not otherwise be exposed to reading your blog. Certainly in South Africa with the explosive growth of Facebook this is crucial to marketing your blog. For your Facebook profile this keeps new content coming through which reduces the burden to keep updating it.
  3. We also touched briefly on setting up a MySpace profile, creating a customised URL and re-posting some blog content onto your MySpace blog to again reach a wider and new audience.

These session are open to African Bloggers so please join the Google Group to be notified of future conference calls. This is one of the examples of how the Cheetahs from are working together to create a better future for Africa.


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.