Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /home/ramotsaj/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-word-count/public/class-wpwc-public.php on line 123
Last week I had a small crises when my hosting company disabled this website and several others due to a PHP error on the server. I had been travelling and missed several emails they sent me warning me to take action and resolve this problem, which on the shared hosting platform was causing problems for everyone else. This whole episode reminded me of a lesson I learnt from Tony Roocroft about 3 years ago.
The basic lesson was never to host your website with the same company who controls your domain. I took it very seriously and always started using Godaddy for registering all my .com domains while in South Africa I registered my co.za domains directly with Uniforum. However, I have realised even hosting all my domains with one company is still a weakness because all websites are impacted being hosted under one account. So I’ve moved my personal blog to PowWeb. I may move some more domains to them to share my risk. And I advice you to consider this situation if you are heavily investing in your online business. There are many different hosting providers. There are several comparison websites available like Top 10 Independent Website Reviews website. And if you insist on hosting in South Africa one of the best ones are Hertzner and Afrihost. Avoid MWEB and Telkom Internet as these hosting solutions are either very expensive or severely limited.