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I have already registered for the 7th annual iWeek conference. Join me at this 3-day conference (at no cost to you) because it is the fastest way for you to get more familiar with the Internet industry. Go here to read my blogging from iWeek 2006 where Mark Shuttleworth was the keynote speaker and attracted more people in one day that attends the entire iWeek conference over the 3 or 4 days it normally runs.
Anyway here is the message from ISPA, the Internet Service Providers Association…
ISPA and UniForum SA (the co.za registrars) are proud to announce their 7th iWeek annual conference and exhibition, now widely acknowledged as the premier Internet event on the SA calendar to be held from 17 – 19 September 07 at The Forum, Wanderers Building, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street in Bryanston, Johannesburg.
iWeek has become a critical calendar entry for everyone with a stake in the Internet sector and is the only conference endorsed by the Internet Society of South Africa (ISOC-ZA). Anyone with an interest is welcome to attend free of charge.
Among the key industry issues to be addressed at the conferences will be the impact and benefits of IPv6, examining the mistakes that experienced wireless ISPs have made, the global fight against spam, buying and selling an ISP – opportunities in the market, interception issues and trends, navigating the Alternate Dispute Resolution and a host of other topics.
iWeek provides a platform for industry players not only to network, but to find synergies and inspiration by sharing information on new technologies and revealing successful Internet-related business practices. An exhibition and different levels of sponsorship are available for interested companies.
You are encouraged to register at your earliest convenience prior to the conference. A programme is available on the site. Remember attendance at iWeek is absolutely free.
Potential sponsors and exhibitors can contact Elaine Zinn or telephone 011 3147751 or 083 3274806
Please share this notification with your staff members and other interested parties. We look forward to welcoming you to iWeek.