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John Wilson wrote a great little rebuttel for joining Konnects, a new business social network. He aptly calls it a poor LinkedIn clone. After ignoring previous requests I had to write about this because the person who invited me to join I hold in high esteem: Stan Relihan. In the past I have praised The Connections Show podcast hosted by Stan Relihan here because of the high quality of the guests interviewed and how succinct it is by comparison to other business podcasts.
So here’s the confusion: Stan has positioned himself as a leading evangalist for LinkedIn so this email is unwarrented and unsolicited. What we need is not more social networking websites but rather a better use of the existing ones. The same holds true for MySpace vs Facebook debate.
I agree. Who really uses Linkedin anyhow? I have been on Konnects for quite some time and really like their direction!
Thanks for your feedback on Konnects. At Konnects we try to provide a space where you can conduct business but actively participate in interest groups and communities where you are able to escape the professional side of things. We want to give our users the best of both worlds on our site.
Actually, I didn’t send the e-mail (or at least intend to).
It was one of the unexpected consequences of accepting an invitation from someone, just to see what Konnects is all about.
When I joined Konnects informed me that about 4,800 of my connections were waiting to connect with me on Konnects & asked if I wanted to connect with them.
As this number was way smaller than my broader network, I was surprised to think that Konnects was more popular that I’d thought & so agreed.
Little did I know that this was just an automated ‘trick’ to spam everyone.
Somehow, they must’ve managed to scrape some e-mail addresses from my Gmail account.
As far as I can see, Konnects adds no value at all – unless you count annoying people in your contact book!
Stan Relihan
Konnects continues to spam me with these invitations. I even opted out. I did sign up about 2 months ago and they must have no one of value because I searched for some well connected colleagues here in California and could find NO ONE through the search.