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IKM Conference 2008 – Shaping the Future

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University of Johannesburg, South AfricaEvery year business leaders, industry and faculty experts come to the IKM Conference to share their knowledge, learn and network. True to the theme of this year’s conference, “Shaping the Future”, presenters will offer cutting-edge knowledge based on relevant, innovative and rigorous research.

Come and listen to reflections, estimations and predictions on the coming transformation of strategy, competition, business models, and management and gain insight to what others consider their business challenges, such as:

  • Mr Mike Schussler (T-Sec) on the Future of the Knowledge Economy
  • Ms Luisa Mazinter (The Marketing Site) on the Future of Web 2.0 and Knowledge Sharing
  • Ms Wendy Sealy (Caribbean Development Bank) on Social Capital and Knowledge for Development
  • Mr Max Smeiman (MD, Max Smeiman Associates) on the Future of Virtual Businesses
  • Mr Ramon Thomas (NETucation) on the Future of Social Networking
  • Dr Antonie Botha (Consultant) on the Future of Knowledge Management
  • Dr Piet Steyn (Eskom) on Just-in-time Knowledge Management: A reality or just an aspiration?
  • Ms Marmara Schutte (UP) and Dr Peter Tobin (GIBS) on Knowledge Management and the Food Service Industry.

Be sure not to miss the 8th Annual Information and Knowledge Management Conference on Friday, 4 November 2008, at the FNB Convention and Training Centre in Sandton, hosted by the University of Johannesburg Department of Information and Knowledge Management and chaired by Prof Adeline du Toit. Should you require further information, please contact Ms Andrea Ferreira on +27 (0)11 559-2183 or send an email to infoman@uj.ac.za.


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.