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First Open Day Meet-n-Greet

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Ramon Thomas wants to be your manager, super agentI make models Miss South Africa, businessmen get onto CNBC Africa, unpublished authors gets published or how to make one hell of a profit and still get to heaven. My most recent experience includes a strong focus on life coaching models, businessmen, heads of business schools, PR companies, Marketing Directors and even sales training for radio stations to increase advertising spend.

This open day is to meet prospective clients for my new agency – provisionally called “Arli$$ Ari Gold Management” after my two favourite agents in television. You will get to know me, who I am, what I stand for, and what makes me different. Some of my client portfolios will be on display. And you can ask me anything. My fees are based on a more realistic mindset of what is required in the global recession. And because I leverage a very large online and real-world social network, I can afford to only charge you 10% flat rate. I make up the difference by asking you to do photo shoots or gigs for my own projects at no cost. All this is tracked, so you never feel like you’re being abused or taken advantage. And in each case we ensure you get testimonials, exposure and meet new clients to find even more opportunities.

The venue: Nino’s Rosebank, The Zone opposite Nescafe. And I will be there from 12-6pm before going to the Dr John Demartini Talk @ Montecasino tonight. I’m also working with TalentFinders.com as the new Marketing Director so I’ll handle your online and offline portfolios to maximise your income and reduce your effort. Leave it to me, and I’ll make it happen for you. As my awesome PA, Yusuf Moses, says at this junction “Let’s dance…!”


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.