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Question about Wirless Internet in South Africa

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A Question from a Reader on 16 May 2010

> I will be visiting your country soon.
> What wireless internet options are available in your country.?
> We have a mobile usb flash/modem with 3G wireless and have a pay-as-you-go system in my country.
> I wish not to spend time in a i-café
> Thanx
> claude
> —
> Coordinator; Africa For Haiti Campaign
> Tell: 011 833 5959 Ext 114
> Mobile: 076 191 0405

If you decide to use Cyber Cafe’s please checkout listings on the Internet Cafe Directory.

You can either use pre-paid hotspots available at most hotels, airports, restaurants or you can use your own USB modem with a SA sim card, using pre-paid airtime. The easiest is Vodacom or MTN. Stay away from Cell C or Virgin Mobile as they do not offer anything above Edge. So purchase a pre-paid sim card from their shop at the airport and ask them how to load data bundles. Your laptop should be set-up to use it as is.



Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.

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