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Speed Networking launched at next PETweetup

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Port Elizabeth has a thriving social media community. Unlike Gauteng or Cape Town there is no SilconCape initiative. However, people like Alan Straton have pioneered city focussed blogging with his MyPE portal. He has over 1000 followers, and follows nobody else. With over 8000 Tweets, the WeFollow directory lists him as the most influential Twitter user in the Bay area.

So what is a Tweetup? It’s simply a real-life meeting organised on the social networking site Twitter. In the past year Port Elizabeth hosted two Tweetups, a Blanket Drive, and also another hosted by Dave Coates, Head Developer at Poken Africa. The purpose or function of the Tweetup is to bring together people for discussion in the real world. You can meet those you’ve been following and get to know them better. Building stronger relationships helps everyone move forward. And should encourage even more vociferous tweets.

So what’s different this time? This month we’re introducing speed networking. Speed networking was developed for use in South Africa to facilitate the creation of a culture for open communication within larger groups and high quality business relationships. A friend Jenny Ceresto, founder of SMARTdate pioneered this concept primarily in Gauteng and Cape Town. Now speed networking is

The venue for this event is the beautiful Blue Water Cafe situated on Shark Rock Pier, on the beach front area opposite the Boardwalk Casino. Previous 27Dinner events, also focussed around promoting social media, were held at the PE Yacht Club. We found this venue to be ideal for the presentation style meetings with speakers, but Tweetups are more informal. And hence the concept of speed networking seems a perfect synergy with the shorthand language used on Twitter.

Event Details:

  • VENUE: Blue Water Cafe, The Boardwalk Shop 7 Shark Rock Pier, Marine Drive
  • TIME: 19h00 on Friday, 26 August 2011
  • DRINK: One FREE Sherry or Cappuccino on arrival sponsored by yours truly
  • FOOD for your own account.

Questions?  Call the host, Ramon Thomas on 081 4399 555. The Speed Networking starts at 19h30. Looking forward to meeting fellow Bay area Tweeple.


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.

4 replies on “Speed Networking launched at next PETweetup”

  1. Pingback: Ramon Thomas
  2. Pingback: Yusuf Moses
  3. Hi
    There is no date associated with this event, has it take place already? And if so, how did it go?
    I’m thinking of organising something similiar in Joburg.

    1. Hi Yoni we had a small turnout of 5 people. This allowed for more in-depth networking and it worked well as intended. You can join Joburg Tweetups group and come to my next Halloween Tweetup at Canto Latino on Monday, 31 October. I’ve also added the date this event. Thanks for pointing it out.


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