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NETucation is a campaign to use new ways of education in the Internet age to raise the standards of living in Africa. Our vision is to bring broadband Internet access to over 50% of the African population. According to World Internet Stats, Africa only achieves 13.5% penetration among its 1,037,524,058 people. The rest of the world has 36.1% penetration among 5,892,531,096 people.
This is wrong, and we are working to change that. Join us to grow the use of the Internet in Africa.
Dear Netucation Team
I am a south african who would also like to be part of the internet campaign and would like to know how does your organisation support people like me or how your organisation works
Dear Netucation Team
I am a south african who would also like to be part of the internet campaign and would like to know how does your organisation support people like me or how your organisation works
Hilton you can join as a subscriber for R100 per month or R1000 per year to support our campaign. This will give you free access to all the information and research we compile not published on this website or elsewhere for the public. You will also receive our premium newsletter and free access to all seminars. To join please contact our office for registration.