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Blogging about Jacob Zuma not Malema

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President Jacob Zuma dancing with Helen ZilleBlogging about politicians seems to be a sure-fire way to get extra traffic. Politicians like South African President, Jacob Zuma, is constantly in the news. All his speeches like those by Julius Malema feature heavily in the local news media and social media, sparking several fake profiles and debates in the last year especially.

Back in 2007 someone emailed me a joke about Jacob Zuma and for some reason it remains one of the most popular pages on my website. It makes sense because he only assumed his office in the Presidency during May 2009, so he’s news coverage has only increased. To some extent his rivalry with Julius Malema continued to increase his exposure and appeal to Malema’s detractors. Some may even see him as the victor or the political hero because the ANC banished Juju for 5 years even through it seemed like the never-ending story.

With his seemingly never ending string of marriages, women may see him as a virile, masculine man. In a traditional sense, a strong leader. Since he started tweeting on @SAPresident (118, 483 followers) he also spawned a copy cat, one of the greatest complements to a public person like the Fake Steve Jobs profile. Time will tell whether the @SAPrezident (9667 followers) profile has staying power. Thank goodness Jacob Zuma does not tweet as often as his nemesis Helen Zille. She’s alienated more people with her tweets than any other politician in my opinion.

Another blog post from 2010 was just a series of his previous wedding photos. This is a popular post probably because the photos show up on Google Images. People are visual and tagging photos with appropriate “alt tag” descriptions will further increase your search engine love. The president seems to live a cartoonish life with all the controversy around fraud, the battle with his nemesis Malema, his subsequent victory and dancing with Helen Zille. Sometimes it feels like half the comic strips produced by Cartoonist Zapiro are about Jacob Zuma and his dancing and singing at political rallies.

Anyway this blog post was written to teach some basics around blogging for business. You can also view a video of me discussing how I wrote this blog through my Psychology of Technology Youtube channel.


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.

3 replies on “Blogging about Jacob Zuma not Malema”

  1. Down here in Port Elizabeth stuff about Nceba Faku seems to get people to buy newspapers (at least). Maybe I should write about Giraffe……….?

    1. There’s too many people writing about politics. I simply wrote about President Jacob Zuma to test my blog’s SEO reach and rankings. Once I’ve reviewed my webstats I will post the outcome of this experiment.


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