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A twitter chat for the South African education community takes place from 20h30 to 21h30 each Monday evening GMT+2. Private school teachers and public schools teachers have an open conversation about children, teaching, learning and technology.
To vote for your choice of topic for the coming week, please head over to #edchatsa website and add your voice!
General Information
- Who? Any person with an interest in education in South Africa.
- When can you participate? The community will gather for specific chats on a Monday evening from 20h30 until 21h30. However, the conversation can continue at any time by simply adding the #edchatsa hashtag to a tweet.
- What should you contribute? Anything of value to the conversation – ideas, thoughts, arguments, links, resources.
- What should you avoid? Please do not spam the stream! Do not add your own website unless it is related to the conversation and would be of value to the participants.
How do I keep up with the chat?
There are several ways to do this, but it is important to note that as the chat becomes more popular it will become almost impossible to see all the tweets and be involved in every conversation thread. This must not put you off being involved! With a bit of practice it becomes easier to filter out the ‘noise’ and focus on a few threads which interest you.
- You can set up your Twitter client (Tweetdeck , Hootsuite and others) to have an #edchatsa column
- Use a web-based service such as Tweetchat
- Add #edchatsa to your RSS reader – Google Reader or Feed Demon for example
- Search for #edchatsa on the Twitter site
Contact our office to get assistance with Twitter. We conduct Twitter workshops for Teachers or Parents at schools across South Africa.