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Dan Pink: The Surprising Truth About Sales

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Bestselling author of Drive and star of the most-viewed RSA Animate, Dan Pink visits the RSA to explore the ways in which we can all improve our everyday sales skills, and identifies the personal qualities and essential skills necessary to move people. Everyone in business needs to to know the surprising truth about sales.

Dan Pink has also spoken at the 2009 TED Conference: The puzzle of motivation.

You may also want to look up Dr John Demartini’s value system. Speak in terms of other’s people’s highest values and connect them to yours, and that’s all you need to do. He’s method is tried and tested over 30 years. This is a long winded way to do the same thing.

Listen to the podcast of the full event including audience Q&A.


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.