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My dream is to create 2 million jobs over 20 years. This is the driving force behind the Unemployment Must Fall campaign. For years I’ve helped people by giving them short internships in my company. Some of them like Cheston Pilcher from Uitenhage has gone onto full-time work at Standard Bank in Johannesburg.

A student I met at the University of Johannesburg, worked for me for almost a year as an assistant. She’s now in management at eTV, the 2nd largest public TV network in South Africa.

Unemployment in the Eastern Cape

So many of us, after graduating, move to Johannesburg, Cape Town or even overseas and never come back.

So many of us leave for greener pastures, start families and only visit during the holidays. Those visits become less and less over the years as we become accustomed to the distant lands where we find ourselves. Our memories of the Tsitsikamma and the Transkei fade over time and we’ve become tourists in our hometowns.

So many of us wish to move back or give back, and yet the lack of opportunity prevents many from taking the first step. Opportunity is not given, it manifests when you take the first step.

Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” Martin Luther King, Jr.


Unemployment Must Fall in South Africa


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.