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MySpace, YouTube tops Time's 50 Coolest Websites

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Time magazine has released its annual list of 50 Coolest websites here. I have started using both MySpace and YouTube frequently. And you can checkout my MySpace profile here. And have connected with 71 friends so far. Some of them are very well known South Africans like Danny K and ex-girlfriend Lee-Ann Liebenberg. The possibilities of embracing social networking website is endless and the sharing goes beyond mere photos, to music and video clips, little cute things that spice up your profile and more. It does seems like the Website users have become very savy in finding new ways to connect and share with people. And they are opening up their personal lives so anyone can take a peak inside to a degree never before experienced in history.


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.