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Online gambling seems to be a hot topic in South Africa. Today I’m doing an interview with SAFM, a national talk radio station on this topic of online gambling and online addiction. And so not surprisingly in preparation for the interview I found this excellent write-up on the most comprehensive study on online gambling to date.
Here’s a summary:
Its not all about the winning and its more about the entertainment. When asked about why the participate in online gambling websites such as Schmitts Online Casino, most respondents answers “to relax”, “for entertainment”, “to relieve boredom”, which far outweighed “to make money.”
The average online poker player tends be to male (73.8%) and between 26-35 years old (26.9%) while average online casino player tends to be female (54.8%) and between 46-55 years old (29.5%).
To read the complete summary of this excellent study commissioned industry self-regulatory body eCOGRA and conducted by Betting and International Gaming Research Units at Nottingham Trent University by click here.
In South Africa there is currently a dispute on the legality of online gaming. And a high court decision has banned online gambling in Gauteng. Common sense tells you how ludicrous this is because there is no way to implement or monitor this situation.
Read the latest article detailing the plight of Piggs Peak Casino appeal here.