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Blogging the Futurex Conference 2007

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Futurex ConferenceThe Futurex Exhibition is the biggest ICT event of the year. And it coincides with World Telecomms Day on 17 May. Futurex is also the merger of the old Computer Faire and Tel.Com Exhibition run by Computer Society up until the merger. And with the exhibition there is also the Futurex Conference that takes place annually. I’ll be blogging this conference over the next two day…

Here’s some more background information:

Programme Outline

A four part conference over two days, each part a stand alone, but linked by common threads: urgency – getting it right first time, on time – understanding your business without continually looking backwards – lessons learned from other scenarios and economies.

Strategic thinking, latest technologies, a business growth environment, international drive and energy combine in this year’s conference under the theme:

ICT: Foundations of the Economy

One year nearer 2010 and the pressure is on! Amidst the power failures, Gautrain disruptions and stadium cost over-runs & delays, ICT has emerged as a crucial tool to meet the promises of the future.

This year’s Conference will focus on four main issues:

Day 1: Future and current technology and management developments.

Project management using ICTs.
Business Analysis, a critical tool for business success.

Day 2: Creating an Environment for Growth with ICT.

ICT Environmental & Regulatory issues targeting growth of the ICT sector.
The Indian ICT Success Story.
Day 1: 16th May 2007
Strategic Thinkers.

Leading international and local strategic thinkers discuss technologies and management theories to create thought channels for South African entrepreneurs and corporates.

Experts agree: two key business practices working together with Information Technology can assist you in making a success of your activities:

Project Managing our Future with ICT.

Project Management is a complex mix of inter-related actions & outcomes. Applicable from Bridge building to software stabilization, today’s sophisticated methodologies are project processes.

In partnership with the Project Management Institute PMSA and the CSSA Special Interest Group for Project Management


Keynote: Looking Forward – Anthony Fitzhenry, CEO Axiz, IT Personality of the Year 2006
Lead Speaker: Elmar Roberg, President Project Management Institute SA PMSA: Making project management work.

Panel Discussion: Project management and IT.

Business Analysis/ Systems Analysis: the keys to organizational & business success.

Is IT looking after your business processes? Is it aligned to them? Are there gaps?

Business Analysts can sort through the chaos and extract a concise description of the business. They work with business users and IT professionals as a business problem solver, acting as a liaison between the technical and business worlds. They are capable of analysing the business to identify problems and/or opportunities and to define solution characteristics, but are not intoxicated by technology.

See and hear how the analysts can keep their cool whilst all around others are losing theirs!

In partnership with the CSSA Special Interest Group for Systems Analysis/Business Analysis.


International speaker (waiting confirmation)
Lead Speaker: Mr. Robin Grace – Software Futures: Where business analysis stops and systems analysis starts

Panel Discussion: Business Analysis or system analysis: which comes first?
Day 2: 17th May 2007
World Telecoms Day.

Environment Update.

2006 saw the EC Act; Neotel started operations as the 2nd network operator; Virgin Mobile flew into the market; number portability was implemented; international calls got cheaper as call back card usage spread….but telecoms costs changed little if at all, and a reported shortage of ICT skills hampered development. What does the rest of the decade hold for us as we prepare for 2010.


A number of industry leaders will be speaking, details to be confirmed

Panel Discussion: The future of Telecoms in SA

India @ Futurex.

In partnership with the India Consulate General.

The phenomenal growth of India’s ICT industry – software development, call centres and more…will be explored by top executives from that country.

Session 1:

Opening: Speakers will include the Deputy Minister of Communications Roy Padayachie.

Session 2:

Indian Industry at work: Leaders from the Indian IT Industry will give examples of their success stories.


Cocktail, Invitations courtesy Indian Consulate General @ 7pm


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.