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I am in the process of issuing a letter of demand against directors, Nia Maritz and Peter Jeffrey as well as their company DBS Human Capital (Pty) Ltd (www.dbshc.co.za) for non-payment for organising the Women4Women conference on 5 October 2007 and work done in preparation of the next conference to be held on Friday, 24 October 2008 in Cape Town. While preparing for the 2nd conference to be held later this month a dispute about payment arose between us.
My attorneys have instructed me not to published any details until they have reviewed the list of demands and checked all the facts with everyone involved in 2007 and 2008 conferences.
What is a letter of demand? Read more here.
Ramon Thomas
I found this blog while searching for DBS HC. Good luck trying to recover your money. I too have been screwed over by them and it seems they have a track record of not paying their bills.