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Mobile porn market set to explode

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This is not surprising news for me because my associate, Arthur Goldstuck, has made a similar prediction back in Feb 2005. This website is not about morality but it is about reality. And all you have to do in South Africa is look at the explicit adverts on late night TV, especially eTV and you will know what I’m talking about. Porn on cellphones is available already and as this news report says it is going to explode in the next few years.

Well what can we do about this? Do we continue to act like hopeless people while things that are undesirable to children is mega business for someone else? I can tell you individuals cannot make an impact in such a cause. A united front is needed. A joint effort to reach a crescendo to the powers that be in business and government.

Some good news is that I have managed to get in touch with the Film & Publications Board (FPB) and spoke at length with their CEO, Shokie Bopape-Dlomo and offered my services to them. She has confirmed that they have appointed two cyber-inspectors and within their mandate to identify and investigate child pornography online. This is a good step and I am excited about the opportunity to work with them and possibly even conduct the training that these two people are required to undertake. The FPB was planning to send them to the United Kingdom to be trained. I have all the necessary experience and qualifications to conduct this training as I spent the seven years from 1997-2003 working as a Information Security Specialist in the ISP industry and the banking industry in South Africa and also in United Kingdom and Middle East.

I need your help to encourage them to act quickly so that we can speed up the process of making the online and mobile worlds safer for children in South Africa. Please send email to information@fpb.gov.za or call them on 011-483-0971 and recommend me as a trainer of the cyber inspectors. If you are curious about my professional background please read more on my LinkedIn profile.


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.