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When I was in high school there was a massive teachers’ strike during 1990. This was my Standard 8 or Grade 10 year and we did not have a permanent principal at Uitenhage High School. This was also a time for massive changes in the South African political landscape with Nelson Mandela being released and the ANC with other political parties being unbanned.
It is a complete disgrace: new figures show how teachers failed. Strikes hit school children hard. How can we improve the situation of South Africa and the rest of the dark continent with adults who are not good role models to learners. It’s okay to voice your grievances, however, it’s not okay to drag innocent people down with you. And as for an education department who allows this nonsense to continue, your leadership is demonstrated to be poor.
We live in a world that demands a new approach to teaching children and a new way of thinking about the shifts that happen faster and faster. So when I read this utter bullshit about teachers still striking in 20 years since I was the victim of a teachers’s “chalk down” strike, it become extremely frustrating and angers me to say the least. This behaviour is totally unacceptable and it high time teachers decide if they want to teach or be leaches of the government for the rest of their lives earning a big pay cheque every month and still get loads of holidays unlike other business people who have to work 8-12 hours a day or more 5-6 days a week with maybe 2 weeks holiday in December. Most teachers in government schools are the worst examples today of how to do the absolute minimum, still get paid and fake it till you make it.
Did You Know / Shift Happens 4.0
I am completely disgusted and ashamed of the way our teachers are behaving. So much for committment. I understand their reasons, but do they have to go so overboard with this. Children should not be targeted as they have been. And, who’s is going to compensate me for my school fees paid, and the extra fees I have to pay to put my kids in an aftercare facility. I am not employed. We are living on one salary. We would also like a better living and lifestyle, but we don’t go around behaving in this manner.
Also, I have teacher friends of mine who have been going to school to teach and of course have been threatened. Although the news does mention intimidation, they don’t always mention in what way they are intimidating the schools. One teacher friend said they got a bomb threat if the didn’t evacuate and close the school. Another teacher friend said they received a phone call saying if the children and teachers have not left, and the school closed by the time the strikers get there, the school will be set alight with them all in it. How can this be allowed? Where are the police? Yes, they’re escorting children and teachers out, but no-one is standing up and fighting for our childrens right to an education. Why has the army not been brought in to take care of this. This is why people wish to leave this beautiful country. It’s shocking. Here, there’s a huge organisation going on with 1 Goal, and we’re all signing up to improve the education and rights of our children, and the very people who are supposed to be educating the Youth of SA, are the one preventing education from happening. They should all be fired and bring in the new. There behaviours are a complete disgrace, and what are they teaching our youth by this behaviour? How on earth do they expect the children they teach to respect them? How on earth are they ever going to repremand a child for bad behaviour at school? I guarentee, if a pupil behaved as the teachers have, they would be expelled. Yet the teachers can just as they please and get away with it. I makes me sick, and angry. Actually angry is not the word. I’m seething.