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Any Dummy can date Online: Online Dating for Dummies

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Buy Online Dating for Dummies from Kalahari.netFor those already familiar with the ‘for Dummies’ books, this instalment will come as a rather comfortable guide to yet another of life’s great trials: dating. In this case, of the Internet variety. No matter for those who don’t though. The book is a comprehensive, easy to understand introduction into a foreign and, no doubt, terrifying new world.

One of the best advertisements for the book is its authors. Both have not only tried online dating but, in fact, found their lifelong partners, each other, using it. If that doesn’t spur a lonely soul to use ‘Online Dating for Dummies’, then nothing will. The book has all the familiar traits of its stable and provides the views not only of the authors themselves, but also of ordinary readers who ask questions that only the inexperienced would think of and would need answers for.

What is especially encouraging is that ‘Online Dating for Dummies’ starts from the very beginning. The reader is told everything they need to know, from what hardware is required for the Internet to how to choose and register at an online dating website and what to do if you wish to initiate contact with your chosen date. The book provides safety tips, do’s and don’ts and even has a section on coping with that inevitable pitfall of dating, rejection. ‘Online Dating for Dummies’ is separated into six parts and then further into twenty-two chapters which allows the reader to skip parts they know they don’t need and to come back to the areas they need most. It is both convenient and easy to understand. ‘Online Dating for Dummies’ has some superb advantages. It is created for all ages and for those who are looking for love or simply for friendship. Best of all though, is that it is easy to use for both men and women and has ‘He said, She said’ sections designed specifically for each by experienced persons of that gender.

The book demystifies the so-called ‘rules’ of dating as well. In addition to providing those very functional and quite boring details, it incorporates elements not easily found elsewhere like etiquette, honesty and even sex without sounding like a pretentious TV ‘life coach’ or those rather impersonal and outdated agony aunts. The book practically goes on the date with you! One possible drawback is the fact that South Africans won’t find the details of some websites particularly useful to them as the guide to these is primarily for North Americans. Still, that shouldn’t prevent you from finding the rest of the book fascinatingly honest and helpful. I would find it hard to believe that anyone could screw up their online dating experience after reading ‘Online Dating for Dummies’.

Every ‘secret’ is revealed, every ‘myth’ dispelled and every topic is treated with humour, sensitivity and know-how that only those with experience would have. So whether you’re a first-timer or a pro, ‘Online Dating for Dummies’ has something for everyone. Even a dummy couldn’t fail after making use of this guide.

‘Online Dating for Dummies’ by Judith Silverstein, MD and Michael Lasky, JD. Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc.


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.