67 minutes for Privacy on Mandela Day

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Nelson Mandela is an icon of the 20th and 21st century. His charisma is undeniable when reading many of the stories of people who have encountered him. In this respect I highly recommend the book  LEADING LIKE MADIBA by Martin Kalungu-Banda. So on the 2013 Mandela Day celebrations I’m calling for 67 minutes of privacy …


Avoid Job Scams on Gumtree

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This article has been adapted from the original posted by the Better Business Bureau. Craiglist is the biggest classified website worldwide and Gumtree is the equivalent in South Africa. As the economy recovers worldwide, more and more jobs are becoming available on sites such as Gumtree and plethora of other new job aggregation sites like …


HIV Positive People Still Want Online Dating

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One of my most popular articles I’ve ever published on this blog is the website review of The Positive Connection, a website for those HIV Positive written in 2005. The website helps those with HIV find partners with the same condition for romantic relationships. While conducting my initial research into online industry 2004-2006 I met …


Jabulani Mangena wins International English Speaking Contest

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Recently I attended the annual Toastmasters Maxicon conference. The theme in 2013 was Leadership, hence the name Leadercon. Congratulations to Jabulani Mangena of Midrand Toastmasters Club for being placed first at the District 74 International Speech contest held recently at Indaba Hotel & Conference centre. Winner of the District 74 humourous contest in 2010, Jabulani …