This is from Mike Stopforth, Web 2.0 guru…I’ve already reserved my seat: I’m hosting another installment of the infamous Geek Dinner movement, now branded “27“, on the 27th January at 5pm in the Studio at Primi Piatti, Rosebank. The last one was an enormous success, and we’d like to keep the tradition going. I regard …
Author archives: Ramon Thomas
Publics Talks on Dangers of Mobile Phones, Chat Rooms
16 year old girl kidnapped by online predator using MXit. Avoid your child being next victim… Dear Parent and Teacher In October 2006, a sexual predator lured a schoolgirl using a cell phone-based messaging service. The suspect, a 33-year-old man abducted and held the 16-year-old girl captive for five days, after he developed a cyber …
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Web hosting locally a waste of time
I’ve been hosting in America for more then two years now and will likely never, ever host in South Africa. A new article on ITWeb discussed the conundrum of hosting in South Africa here. There are many people in the Internet industry that advocate hosting in South Africa for some kind of patriotic or proudly …
Cellphone Lockers for School
One of the recommendations I’m making in severe cases of MXit / cellphone addiction is for schools is to ban cellphones. There is no laws to enforce this and no regulations I’m aware of from the Department of Education. However, one of the emails I’ve received since the Parents’ Guide to MXit has been released …
Apple iPhone finally unveiled
Steve Jobs has done it again. Stealing the thunder from Microsoft’s Bill Gates who was the keynote speaker at the CES Conference in Las Vegas. As it happens my mentor, Arthur Goldstuck, is currently at CES but likely on his way back. Anyway you can read here about how Apple does it. To get a …